rs5000 Series drives and rheometers from Rheometer Services Inc. are
the perfect choice for laboratory scale polymer studies using a wide
range of industry standard mixers and extruders.
Download the rs5000 Series brochure
Choose from 3 drive configurations
rs5000 Series drives are available in 3 configurations
designed to meet your budget and needs. All drives are available in 5hp
and 7.5hp models and a variety of RPM/Torque ranges to fit your application.
rs5000-S1 Polymer Prep Station
An economical system designed for sample preparation using either mixers or single and twin
screw extruders. Systems are configured with 3 zones of temperature control
(up to 6 zones available), 1 melt temperature readout, and motor load
readout. Up to 2 melt pressure readouts are optional.
rs5000-S2 D/A Polymer Study Station
The rs5000-S2 Polymer Study Station is a mid-range drive with the
added capability of modbus communication and the Insight data acquisition
system. All data from your test runs are recorded at a rate of 1/sec and stored for later
recall using the built in data review package. When equipped with an in-line, direct
measurement torque load cell, the rs5000-S2 becomes a versatile and affordable torque
rheometer solution.
rs5000-S5 Torque Rheometer
The rs5000-S5 Torque Rheometer is a fully equipped, computer controlled Polymer
Study Station. Interchangeable, direct in-line torque measurement provides the highest
accuracy/resolution available.
System 5 control/data acquisition software provides
an advanced user interface designed for power and ease of use.
Capabilities include:
- 8hr data acquisition
- Unlimited Recipe storage
- Both Adiabatic and Isothermal Torque Rheometry capability
- Comprehensive Safety Feature Set